Changemaker Spotlight: January 2022



Morokot Uy

Rise Stockton
Executive Fellows Program

In one sentence, what do you do?
I was previously the Rise Stockton Engagement Coordinator and am now leaping into public service as an Executive Fellow.

What drew you to the work you are doing in Stockton?
I love my community and am inspired by the people in it. I was drawn to Rise Stockton because of the opportunity to work alongside incredible leaders and advocates. I've learned a lot about community organizing and what it takes to make change at a local level during my time there. As an Executive Fellow, I want to understand how state policies play into the work on the ground. I will use what I have experienced and learned to inform my work as an Executive Fellow and draw an understanding of how state policies can support equitable, community-led solutions.

What inspires you about Stockton?
I think I am most inspired by the people of Stockton. The love, the care, and the passion that people have for this community never ceases to amaze me. When I think of Stockton and when I speak of Stockton, I think and speak of the people I have met and worked alongside. Each person has carried themselves and their work with a fierce hope and with each meeting, I find myself a little more hopeful and a lot more determined.

What advice do you have for those looking to make change in Stockton?
Connect with people and take the time to listen to their stories. Everyone is an expert in their own lived experiences and there is so much to learn from each other. I like to tell the Third City team that 2 heads are better than 1, 3 heads are better than 2, and so on. Similarly, the work we are trying to do and the change we are trying to make in Stockton is easier done as a community than as an individual.

You're an innovator in your field. With the world rapidly changing around us, how are you adapting and what support can Third City Coalition members offer?
What more could Third City Coalition ever offer! I am so incredibly thankful for this past year with the team and with Rise Stockton. If anything, I am just a phone call or email away if there is anything I can support you all with!

Mia Weitz