Changemaker Spotlight: October 2021


Elazar Abraham

Hatch Workshop, est. 2017

In one sentence, what do you do?
Activate community potential through creativity.

What drew you to the work you are doing in Stockton?
The desire to make meaningful change without compromising my passions.

What inspires you about Stockton?
The food, the plants, the knowledge and crafts of the community, the honesty, the self-reliance, the integrity.

What advice do you have for those looking to make change in Stockton?
Be the rock, create stability and consistency. It's not easy, but strength doesn't need an audience. Know your truth, and live it.

You're an innovator in your field. With the world rapidly changing around us, how are you adapting and what support can Third City Coalition members offer?
Developing visual aids for shifting models is key, I'm interested especially in navigating the bureaucracy and visualizations of the ecosystem.

Mia Weitz