About Us
Who We Are
The Stockton GovGuide is the product of collaboration between Third City Coalition and Stockton Climate Action Corps.
Third City
Third City Coalition connects local change-makers across all backgrounds to form strong, lasting partnerships. These partnerships are part of a strategy to ignite civic pride and engagement, bring positive investments to our city, and shift the narrative toward a more inclusive past, present, and future of Stockton.
California Climate Action Corps
As a part of California’s comprehensive strategy to address the climate crisis, California Volunteers, Office of the Governor, is creating the country’s first state-level climate service corps. The service corps was established to empower all Californians to take meaningful action to safeguard the climate.
This project is informed by many years of civic participation of many community members. This guide has been made possible by the generosity of volunteers from Third City Coalition and Stockton Climate Action Corps. We are endlessly grateful to LA Forward and Inclusive Action for the City for their support and providing a framework for this guide through the LA 101 Guide.
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